Dealerspeed Settings



The following are the instructions for configuring the BMW recommended settings you need in Internet Explorer



1) Click on TOOLS in the menu bar.


3) Starting with the GENERAL tab:


·         Click on the Settings button in the Browsing History section.

·         In the Check for newer versions of stored pages section, select Every time I visit the page then click OK.


4) Next go to the SECURITY tab


·         Click on the Local Intranet Icon, then click on the Sites button.

·         Verify all check boxes are checked, then click on the Advanced button

·         Make sure the box for Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone is un-checked.

·         In the Add this Web site to the zone section, add these sites one at a time and click the Add button before entering the next site:


·         *

·         *

·         *

·         *

·         *



     ·                *


Note: if the caller is also accessing ICP, add the following sites:


·         *

·         *


Note: if the caller is also accessing ASAP, add the following site:


·         *


Note: if the caller is also accessing BMW Rewards, add the following site:


·         *


Note: if the caller is also accessing the marketing portal, add the following site:


·         *


Note: if the caller is also accessing Foresight, add the following site:


·         * and/or *


Note: if the caller is also accessing AdBuilder, add the following sites:


·         *

·         *


·         Click OK

·         Click OK again to get back to the Internet Options window


5) Next click on the Custom Level button that is towards the bottom of the screen for the Security tab.


·         Click on dropdown arrow just to the left of the Reset button and select Low, then click on the Reset button.

·         Answer Yes to the popup window then click on the OK button.


6) Next click on the PRIVACY tab.


·         Click Advanced

·         Verify Override automatic cookie handling is checked

·         First and third party cookies are set to Accept

·         Always allow session cookies is checked

·         Click OK


7) Next click on the PROGRAMS tab.


·         Click on Manage Add-ons

·         Click on the downward pointing arrow for the Show field and select All Add-ons. (For Internet Explorer 7 and below, select Add-ons that have been used by Internet Explorer.) Scroll down the list and verify that Java Plug-ins are enabled

·         Click OK or Close


8) Lastly, go to the ADVANCED tab.


·         Scroll down within the Browsing section and uncheck the box for Reuse windows for launching shortcuts

·         Scroll down to the Security section

·         Uncheck Use SSL 2.0

·         Check Use SSL 3.0

·         Check Use TLS 1.0(also Use TLS 1.1 and Use TLS 1.2 if this is a WinVista or Win7 PC)

·         Click OK

·         End all sessions of IE, and restart and try again.


9) Click on Tools then click on Compatibility View Settings if you are using Internet Explorer 8 or above.


10) Add the following websites to the list if they are not already there:









11) The top two boxes below the list should be checked. These are Include updated website lists from Microsoft and Display local intranet sites in Compatibility View.


12). Click Close then exit out of any Internet Explorer windows including ADP Drive or R&R ERA.












Article Details

Article ID:
Date added:
2014-04-11 08:46:17
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